卢超,男,1991年5月生,现为河海大学商学院市场营销系副教授,硕士生导师。博士毕业于南京理工大学经济管理学院管理科学与工程专业。目前,主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、中央高校经费项目2项,参与国家级项目多项。前往印第安那大学联合培养2年。在IPM, JASIST, JOI, Scientometrics, 中国图书馆学报,情报学报, ASIST, ISSI, iConference 等刊物或顶级会议上发表论文20余篇,其中第一作者SSCI/SCI 论文6篇,第一/通讯作者CSSCI论文6篇,第一作者顶级国际会议论文(poster)若干。目前主要教授本科课程《大数据营销》以及研究生课程《商务数据挖掘》等课程,相关教学内容获2023年江苏省高校微课大赛二等奖。 更多研究内容 .
管理科学与工程专业博士学位, 2020
情报学硕士研究生(转段), 2014
图书馆学学士学位, 2013
Scientific collaboration empowers scholars to build larger teams and produce more high-quality knowledge. However, with insufficient microscopic examination of scientific collaboration, i.e., the interactions between collaborators, little is currently known about whether the contributing roles of collaborators are fairly and accurately represented on the bylines of scientific papers. To fill this gap, the current study examines how the different roles of collaborators are connected to the order of their names in article bylines across disciplines and team sizes. A dataset of 105,192 articles containing author contribution statements was compiled and analyzed to investigate the byline order distributions of three different contributing roles: versatiles, specialists, and teamplayers. We discovered that, across all disciplines, the order of names in article bylines usually represented authors’ contributions. Versatiles were more likely to be first authors in the byline, followed by teamplayers and specialists. We also found that the division of labor in larger teams varied between disciplines. In some subjects, the three contributing roles disappeared as the size of teams increased, while in others, they remained distinct. Finally, larger team sizes were associated with a weaker relationship between byline ordering and contributing roles. These findings advance studies of scientific collaboration and enrich the literature on the evaluation of scientific performance.