Lu, Chao is an associate professor at the department of Marketing in the Business School of Hohai University. He is a PhD of Management Science and Engineering at the Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His research interests include text mining, bibliometrics, science of science, scientific collaboration, interdisciplinarity, and other stuffs.
He loves playing ping pang, swimming, and cooking, though he isn’t really good at any of them. He is also a tortoise-like guy, his collaborators always push him to finish his work. While he is a nice team-player, good at sharing ideas and making them happen. Contact him if you are interested in what he is doing right now! See more .
Download my resumé.
PhD in Management Science and Engineering, 2020
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
MRes in Information Science, 2014
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
BLSc, 2013
Anhui University
Scientific collaboration empowers scholars to build larger teams and produce more high-quality knowledge. However, with insufficient microscopic examination of scientific collaboration, i.e., the interactions between collaborators, little is currently known about whether the contributing roles of collaborators are fairly and accurately represented on the bylines of scientific papers. To fill this gap, the current study examines how the different roles of collaborators are connected to the order of their names in article bylines across disciplines and team sizes. A dataset of 105,192 articles containing author contribution statements was compiled and analyzed to investigate the byline order distributions of three different contributing roles: versatiles, specialists, and teamplayers. We discovered that, across all disciplines, the order of names in article bylines usually represented authors’ contributions. Versatiles were more likely to be first authors in the byline, followed by teamplayers and specialists. We also found that the division of labor in larger teams varied between disciplines. In some subjects, the three contributing roles disappeared as the size of teams increased, while in others, they remained distinct. Finally, larger team sizes were associated with a weaker relationship between byline ordering and contributing roles. These findings advance studies of scientific collaboration and enrich the literature on the evaluation of scientific performance.
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